Artist Elvis Costello
Elvis Costello - 45
Elvis Costello - A condemned man
Elvis Costello - A slow drag with josephine
Elvis Costello - Accidents will happen
Elvis Costello - After the fall
Elvis Costello - Alibi
Elvis Costello - Alibi factory
Elvis Costello - Alison
Elvis Costello - All grown up
Elvis Costello - All the rage
Elvis Costello - All these strangers
Elvis Costello - All this useless beauty
Elvis Costello - Almost blue
Elvis Costello - Alsion
Elvis Costello - American without tears
Elvis Costello - April 5th
Elvis Costello - B movie
Elvis Costello - Baby plays around
Elvis Costello - Back on my feet
Elvis Costello - Beaten to the punch
Elvis Costello - Beyond belief
Elvis Costello - Big boys
Elvis Costello - Big sisters clothes
Elvis Costello - Big tears
Elvis Costello - Blame it on cain
Elvis Costello - Blue chair
Elvis Costello - Brilliant mistake
Elvis Costello - Brown to blue
Elvis Costello - Bullets for the new born king
Elvis Costello - Burnt sugar is so bitter
Elvis Costello - Busy bodies
Elvis Costello - Charm school
Elvis Costello - Cheap reward
Elvis Costello - Cheap rewards
Elvis Costello - Church underground
Elvis Costello - Clown strike
Elvis Costello - Clowntime is over
Elvis Costello - Clubland
Elvis Costello - Coal-train robberies
Elvis Costello - Complicated shadows
Elvis Costello - Couldnt call it unexpected no4
Elvis Costello - Crawling to the usa
Elvis Costello - Crimes of paris
Elvis Costello - Deep dark truthful mirror
Elvis Costello - Deportee
Elvis Costello - Different finger
Elvis Costello - Dont let me be misunderstood
Elvis Costello - Dr watson i presume
Elvis Costello - Eisenhower blues
Elvis Costello - Everyday i write the book
Elvis Costello - Favourite hour
Elvis Costello - Fish n chip paper
Elvis Costello - Five small words
Elvis Costello - Forgive her anything
Elvis Costello - From a whisper to a scream
Elvis Costello - Georgie and her rival
Elvis Costello - Girls talk
Elvis Costello - Glitter gulch
Elvis Costello - Gloomy sunday
Elvis Costello - God give me strength
Elvis Costello - Gods comic
Elvis Costello - Good year for the roses
Elvis Costello - Goon squad
Elvis Costello - Green shirt
Elvis Costello - Hand in hand
Elvis Costello - Harpies bizarre
Elvis Costello - Heart shaped bruise
Elvis Costello - Heres red shoes
Elvis Costello - High fidelity
Elvis Costello - Home is anywhere
Elvis Costello - Honey are you straight or are you blind
Elvis Costello - Hoover factory
Elvis Costello - How to be dumb
Elvis Costello - Human hands
Elvis Costello - Human touch
Elvis Costello - I cant stand up
Elvis Costello - I cant stand up for falling down
Elvis Costello - I dont want to go
Elvis Costello - I dont want to go home
Elvis Costello - I dont want to go to chelsea
Elvis Costello - I dreamed of my old lover
Elvis Costello - I hear a melody
Elvis Costello - I hope youre happy now
Elvis Costello - I just dont know what to do with myself
Elvis Costello - I lost you
Elvis Costello - I still have that other girl
Elvis Costello - I want to vanish
Elvis Costello - I want you
Elvis Costello - If i could put them all together
Elvis Costello - Ill never fall in love again
Elvis Costello - Ill wear it proudly
Elvis Costello - Im in the mood again
Elvis Costello - Im not angry
Elvis Costello - Im your toy
Elvis Costello - Imagination
Elvis Costello - In another room
Elvis Costello - In your eyes acoustic
Elvis Costello - Inch by inch
Elvis Costello - Indoor fireworks
Elvis Costello - Jack of all parades
Elvis Costello - Jimmie standing in the rain
Elvis Costello - Joe porterhouse
Elvis Costello - Jump up
Elvis Costello - Just a memory
Elvis Costello - Kid about it
Elvis Costello - Kinder murder
Elvis Costello - Less than zero
Elvis Costello - Let him dangle
Elvis Costello - Lip service
Elvis Costello - Lipstick vogue
Elvis Costello - Little atoms
Elvis Costello - Little boxes
Elvis Costello - Little palaces
Elvis Costello - Little savage
Elvis Costello - Little triggers
Elvis Costello - Living in paradise
Elvis Costello - Londons brilliant parade
Elvis Costello - Love went mad
Elvis Costello - Loveable
Elvis Costello - Lovers walk
Elvis Costello - Luxembourg
Elvis Costello - Man out of time
Elvis Costello - Miracle man
Elvis Costello - Monkey to man
Elvis Costello - Moods for moderns
Elvis Costello - My babys gone
Elvis Costello - My funny valentine
Elvis Costello - My mood swings
Elvis Costello - My youngest son came home today
Elvis Costello - Mystery dance
Elvis Costello - New amsterdam
Elvis Costello - New amsterdam youve got to hide your love away
Elvis Costello - New lace sleeves
Elvis Costello - Night rally
Elvis Costello - No action
Elvis Costello - No dancing
Elvis Costello - Olivers army
Elvis Costello - One bell ringing
Elvis Costello - Our little angel
Elvis Costello - Pads paws and claws
Elvis Costello - Painted from memory
Elvis Costello - Party girl
Elvis Costello - Pay it back
Elvis Costello - Peace in our time
Elvis Costello - Pidgin english
Elvis Costello - Poison moon
Elvis Costello - Poisoned rose
Elvis Costello - Pony st
Elvis Costello - Poor fractured atlas
Elvis Costello - Poor napoleon
Elvis Costello - Pouring water on a drowning man
Elvis Costello - Pretty words
Elvis Costello - Psycho
Elvis Costello - Pump it up
Elvis Costello - Put your big toe in the milk of human kindness
Elvis Costello - Radio radio
Elvis Costello - Radio sweetheart
Elvis Costello - Riot act
Elvis Costello - Rocking horse road
Elvis Costello - Running out of angels
Elvis Costello - Satellite
Elvis Costello - Shabby doll
Elvis Costello - Shamed into love
Elvis Costello - She
Elvis Costello - She loves the jerk
Elvis Costello - Shipbuilding
Elvis Costello - Shot with his own gun
Elvis Costello - Sleep of the just
Elvis Costello - Sleepless nights
Elvis Costello - Sneaky feelings
Elvis Costello - So like candy
Elvis Costello - Song with rose
Elvis Costello - St stephens day murders
Elvis Costello - Still
Elvis Costello - Still too soon to know
Elvis Costello - Stranger in the house
Elvis Costello - Strict time
Elvis Costello - Success
Elvis Costello - Suffering face
Elvis Costello - Suit of lights
Elvis Costello - Sulfur to sugarcane
Elvis Costello - Sulky girl
Elvis Costello - Suspect my tears
Elvis Costello - Sweet dreams
Elvis Costello - Taking my life in your hands
Elvis Costello - Talking in the dark
Elvis Costello - Tear off your own head
Elvis Costello - Tear off your own head its a doll revolution
Elvis Costello - Thats not the part of him youre leaving
Elvis Costello - The angels want to wear my red shoes
Elvis Costello - The beat
Elvis Costello - The big light
Elvis Costello - The crooked line
Elvis Costello - The element within her
Elvis Costello - The ghost of tom joad do re mi
Elvis Costello - The ghost of tom joad do re mi medley
Elvis Costello - The greatest love
Elvis Costello - The imposter
Elvis Costello - The long honeymoon
Elvis Costello - The loved ones
Elvis Costello - The only flame in town
Elvis Costello - The other end
Elvis Costello - The other side of summer
Elvis Costello - The scarlet tide
Elvis Costello - The spell that you cast
Elvis Costello - The sweetest punch
Elvis Costello - The world and his wife
Elvis Costello - This house is empty now
Elvis Costello - This is hell
Elvis Costello - This years girl
Elvis Costello - Tiny steps
Elvis Costello - Toledo
Elvis Costello - Tommys coming home
Elvis Costello - Too far gone
Elvis Costello - Tramp the dirt down
Elvis Costello - Two little hitlers
Elvis Costello - Uncomplicated
Elvis Costello - Under lime
Elvis Costello - Unwanted number
Elvis Costello - Veronica
Elvis Costello - Voice in the dark
Elvis Costello - Waiting for the end of the world
Elvis Costello - Watch your step
Elvis Costello - Watching the detectives
Elvis Costello - Wave a white flag
Elvis Costello - Weird nightmare
Elvis Costello - Welcome to the working week
Elvis Costello - Whats so funny
Elvis Costello - Whats so funny bout peace love and understanding
Elvis Costello - When i was cruel
Elvis Costello - When it signs
Elvis Costello - When it sings
Elvis Costello - Who do you think you are
Elvis Costello - Withered and died
Elvis Costello - Worthless thing
Elvis Costello - You belong to me
Elvis Costello - You little fool
Elvis Costello - You shouldnt look at me that way
Elvis Costello - You tripped at every step
Elvis Costello - Youll never be a man