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From: William Vaughan <> Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 10:18:22 -0400 (EDT) Here's Red Shoes by Elvis Costello. I was surprised not to find this in the archieves, so I took a shot at it - if someone wants to make corrections (esp. someone with the songbook), go for it. Intro E A E Esus4
EOh I used to be disgusted and now I G#mtry to be amused.
But since their Ewings have got rusted, you know, the Aangels wanna Bwear my red Eshoes.
EBut F#when tG#hey Atold me 'bout their side of the Ebargain, that's when I Aknew that I could not Erefuse.
And I won't Bget any older, now the Aangels wanna wear my red EshoeEsus4s. E AI was watching while you're Bdancing Eaway.
BOur love got fractured in the Aecho and Esway. AHow come everybody wants to Bbe your Efriend'
G#mYou know that it still hurts me just to Bsay it.
EOh, I know that she's disgusted (oh why's that) Cause she's G#mfeeling so abused. (oh that's too bad)
She gets Etired of the lust, (oh I'm so sad) but it's so Bhard to refuse.
How can you Asay that I'm too old, when the Eangels have Bstolen Amy red sEhoes. E Esus4 E
AOh, I said "I'm so haBppy, I cEould die." BShe said "Drop dead," Athen left witEh another guy.
AThat's what you get if you go Bchasing after vEengeance. G#mEver since you got me punctured this Bhas been my sentence.
*same as first four lines in first stanza and repeat on the chords for extra lines* Oh I used to be disgusted and now I try to be amused. But since their wings have got rusted, you know, the angels wanna wear my red shoes. Red shoes, the angels wanna wear my red shoes.