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AmJudge said, "Son, you better say your prayers Got a noose that fits you and sFome galElow stairs And Amby thAm/Gis time tomorrow you wonE't be alive AmSoon we'll Am/Gbe givinFg you 10,000 volts" EAnd I said, "Make that Amtwenty five"
The firing squad have got me right in their sights Got me strapped up tightly with some dynamite And I hear the executioner has got a brand new kink He's giving me cyanide to breathe and strychnine to drink
So dFress mC/Be in Amchains and bind me in shackles The Flast thinC/Bg youAm'll hear is my cold hearted cackle The Flast thC/Bing yoAmu'll sDee is myG twisted leer I'm a CcondC7emned Fman and I'Ell never get oAmut of here
The GsearchlightD's sweeping upF from the Cprison tower The Gclock is Dcreeping up tFo the midnCight hour OutsGide they'Dre wailiFng, &quoFt;RepenFt, repent,C repent, and believe" There'sC7 a telephoFne ringing but no chancEe of reprieve
AmAll you straight shooters and God fearing dolts Can beAm scareAm/Gd rigid Fby electErical volts ButF I C/Bcan't Ambe killed Dby anyG regular means Or CI'll coC7me bacFk to hauEnt you and visit your Amdreams