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Transcribed by Kellie G From 1983 'Punch the Clock' Key C#m *Capo on the 4th fret* The song is in an A/B/C format, making it a little tricky Intro: Am / Em / Fmaj7 / G (I like Gm better) Am / Em / Fmaj7 / G Verse (Form A):
Don't Ctell me you don't know what Emlove is When you're Amold enough to know Embetter When you Amfind strange hands in your Dmsweater When your Emdreamboat Turns Aout to be a footnote I'm a Dmman with a mission In Emtwo or three Geditions, and
Chorus (Form B)
C I'm Emgiving you aF longing Glook EveryCday, everyEmday, everyFday, EverydGay I write the Cbook
Em / F / G Verse (Form C):
Chaaa-pter Amone, we didn't really get along Chapter Ctwo, I think I Emfell in love with Cyou You Amsaid you'd, stand by me in the middle of Chapter three But you were Dmup to your old tricks in Chapters EmFour, five, and Gsix, and
Repeat Chorus (Form B)
C I'm Emgiving you aF longing Glook EveryCday, everyEmday, everyFday, EverydGay I write the Cbook
Em / F / G Verse (Form C):
The wa-ayAm you walk The way you talk and try to kiss me and Claugh In four or Emfive paragCraphs. All your Amcompliments and your cutting remarks are Dmcaptured here in my Emquotation Gmarks, and
Repeat Chorus
C I'm Emgiving you aF longing Glook EveryCday, everyEmday, everyFday, G Am (return to intro) Everyday I write the book
AmOo Emoooooo FmajEveryday I write the Gbook Verse (Form A): Don't Ctell me you don't know the Emdifference BetAmween a lover and a Emfighter With my Ampen and my electric typeDmwriter Even Emin a perfect world Where Aeveryone was equal I'd Dmstill own the film rights And be Emworking on the Gsequel, and
Repeat Chorus (Form B) x 3
C I'm Emgiving you aF longing Glook EveryCday, everyEmday, everyFday, EverydGay I write the Cbook EmEveryday, Feveryday, EverydGay I write the Cbook EmEveryday, Feveryday, G Am Everyday I write the book (back into following intro but miss the G)
Oooo oooo oooooo Am / Em / Fmaj C / Em / F / G / C to when you would like to end