Green Day - Oh love
ukulelever. 2
chords ver. 1
chords ver. 2
chords ver. 3
chords ver. 4
chords ver. 5
chords ver. 6
chords ver. 7
chords ver. 8
tabs ver. 1
tabs ver. 2
tabs ver. 3
tabs ver. 4
tabs ver. 5
tabs ver. 6
tabs ver. 7
tabs ver. 8
tabs ver. 9
tabs ver. 10
tabs ver. 11
bass ver. 1
bass ver. 2
drum ver. 1
drum ver. 2
ukulele ver. 1
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Tuning: G C E A
DbOh loAbve, ohDb love Ab
Won'Dbt you rain on me tonigAbht
DbOh liAbfe, oh Dblife Ab
PDblease don't pass me bAby
DbDon't stoAbp, donDb't stopAb
DonDb't stop when the red lights flAbash
ODbh riAbde, freDbe riAbde
Db -walk down- Eb
Won't you take me close to you
FaAbr away, far aEbway
WaAbste away toniDbght
IAb'm wearing my heEbart on a noosAbe Eb
FAbar away, far awEbay
WAbaste away toniDbght
TAbonight my heaEbrt's on the looseAb
ODbh ligAbhts andDb actioAbn
I jDbust can't be satisfAbied
ODbh losAbers andDb chooserAbs
Won't Dbyou please hold on my liAbfe
DbOh hoAburs andDb hoursAb
Like Dbthe dog years of the dAbay
DbOld stAbory, same Dbold storAby
Db -walk down- Eb
Won't you see the light of day
FaAbr away, far aEbway
WaAbste away toniDbght
IAb'm wearing my heEbart on a noosAbe Eb
FAbar away, far awEbay
WAbaste away toniDbght
TAbonight my heaEbrt's on the looseAb
TaDblk myself out of feeliAbng
TaDblk my way out of contAbrol
TaDblk myself out of falling iAbn lovFme
Db -walk down- Eb
Falling in love with you
FaAbr away, far aEbway
WaAbste away toniDbght
IAb'm wearing my heEbart on a noosAbe Eb
FAbar away, far awEbay
WAbaste away toniDbght
TAbonight my heaEbrt's on the looseAb