Green Day - Oh love
chordsver. 5
chords ver. 1
chords ver. 2
chords ver. 3
chords ver. 4
chords ver. 6
chords ver. 7
chords ver. 8
tabs ver. 1
tabs ver. 2
tabs ver. 3
tabs ver. 4
tabs ver. 5
tabs ver. 6
tabs ver. 7
tabs ver. 8
tabs ver. 9
tabs ver. 10
tabs ver. 11
bass ver. 1
bass ver. 2
drum ver. 1
drum ver. 2
ukulele ver. 1
ukulele ver. 2
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This is for those who dont know ho to read tab,or dont know power chords...Enjoy
C#Oh loG#ve, ohC# love G#
Won'C#t you rain on me tonigG#ht
C#Oh liG#fe, oh C#life G#
PC#lease don't pass me bG#y
C#Don't stoG#p, donC#'t stopG#
DonC#'t stop when the red lights flG#ash
OC#h riG#de, freC#e riG#de
C# (walk down) D#
Won't you take me close to you
FaG#r away, far aD#way
WaG#ste away toniC#ght
IG#'m wearing my heD#art on a noosG#e D#
FG#ar away, far awD#ay
WG#aste away toniC#ght
TG#onight my heaD#rt's on the looseG#
OC#h ligG#hts andC# actioG#n
I jC#ust can't be satisfG#ied
OC#h losG#ers andC# chooserG#s
Won't C#you please hold on my liG#fe
C#Oh hoG#urs andC# hoursG#
Like C#the dog years of the dG#ay
C#Old stG#ory, same C#old storG#y
C# (walk down) D#
Won't you see the light of day
FaG#r away, far aD#way
WaG#ste away toniC#ght
IG#'m wearing my heD#art on a noosG#e D#
FG#ar away, far awD#ay
WG#aste away toniC#ght
TG#onight my heaD#rt's on the looseG#
C# G#*
Talk myself out of feeling
C# G#*
Talk my way out of control
TaC#lk myself out of falling iG#n lovFme
C# (walk down) D#
Falling in love with you
FaG#r away, far aD#way
WaG#ste away toniC#ght
IG#'m wearing my heD#art on a noosG#e D#
FG#ar away, far awD#ay
WG#aste away toniC#ght
TG#onight my heaD#rt's on the looseG#