Green Day - Oh love
chordsver. 7
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chords ver. 8
tabs ver. 1
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bass ver. 1
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ukulele ver. 2
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This is the Green day song Oh Love from the 2012 album Uno!
Iâve done this before with the Green Day song- Welcome to Paradise, where Iâve
changed the chords slightly, which makes the song sound more bluesy. Try and see if you like it.
Chords used
Cadd9 â x30010
G7 - 320001
D7 â xx0212
E7 â 020100
Please rate and thanks
Capo 1
Cadd9Oh lovG7e, Cadd9oh lovG7e
WoCadd9n't you rain on me toniG7ght
Cadd9Oh lifG7e, Cadd9oh lifG7e
PCadd9lease don't pass me G7by
Cadd9Don't sG7top, dCadd9on't stG7op
DonCadd9't stop when the red lights flG7ash
Cadd9Oh ridG7e, Cadd9free rG7ide
Won't you taCadd9ke me close to yD7ou
FaG7r away, far aD7way
WaG7ste away toCadd9night
IG7'm wearing my heD7art on a noosG7e D7
FG7ar away, far awD7ay
WG7aste away toniCadd9ght
TG7onight my heaD7rt's on the looseG7
Cadd9Oh lightG7s andCadd9 actioG7n
I jCadd9ust can't be satisfiedG7
Cadd9Oh losG7ers andCadd9 chooseG7rs
Won't Cadd9you please hold on my lG7ife
Cadd9Oh hoursG7 andCadd9 hours G7
Like Cadd9the dog years of the G7day
Cadd9Old stoG7ry, same oCadd9ld storG7y
Won't Cadd9you see the light of dD7ay
FaG7r away, far aD7way
WaG7ste away toniCadd9ght
IG7'm wearing my heD7art on a noosG7e D7
FG7ar away, far awD7ay
WG7aste away toniCadd9ght
TG7onight my heaD7rt's on the looseG7
TaCadd9lk myself out of feeling G7
TaCadd9lk my way out of controlG7
TaCadd9lk myself out of falling iG7n lovE7e
FaCadd9lling in love with yD7ou
FaG7r away, far aD7way
WaG7ste away toniCadd9ght
IG7'm wearing my heD7art on a noosG7e D7
FG7ar away, far awD7ay
WG7aste away toniCadd9ght
TG7onight my heaD7rt's on the looG7se