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This is my first time tabbing a song. Sorry if I made any mistakes. This is meant for mainly acoustic guitars Capo:1
DOh LGove DOh LGove Won't you Crain on me toGnight DOh LGife DOh LGife CPlease don't pass me Gby
DDon't stGop DDon't stGop CDon't stop when the red lights Gflash
DOh rGide DFreeG ride CWon't you take me close to Dyou
GFar away DFar away EmWaste away tonigGht GI'm wearing my Dheart on a Gnoose GFar away DFar away EmWaste away Ctonight GTonight my Dheart's on the Gloose
DOh lGights DAnd Gaction I just Ccan't be satisfGied DOh liGghts DAnd aGction I Cjust can't be satisfGied DOh Glosers DAndG choosers Won't you Cplease hold on my Glife DOh Ghours DAndG hours Like the Cdog years of the Gday DOld Gstory DSameG old story Won't you Csee the light of Dday
GFar away DFar away EmWaste away tonigGht GI'm wearing my Dheart on a Gnoose GFar away DFar away EmWaste away toniCght GTonight my heart'Ds on the Gloose
CTalk myself out ofG feeling CTalk my way out ofG control CTalk myself out ofG falling in Emlove CFalling in love withD you
xxxNow here is the electric solo, you can either ignore it or play the chorus part insteadxxx
DOh LGove DOh LGove Won't youC rain on me toGnight DOh rGide DFreeG ride CWon't you take me close to Dyou
GFar away DFar away EmWaste away tonigGht GI'm wearing my Dheart on a nGoose GFar away DFar away EmWaste away tConight GTonight my hDeart's on the Gloose