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Tuning: G C E A
(just guitar) ITS A WHOLE NEW WORLD by: aginst all odds chorus:
cC#man you show me the wAorld sEhin-ing so bBmright IC#m feel like i'm jAust dreaming aEll you said to me lBmet your heart de-cide aC#mnd just open your eAyes aEnd you Bmwon-der iC#ms it a whole new Aworld (end of guitar solo)
nC#mo one to tAell no and Eno where to Bmgo C#mand we're saying whAere only dreaming (go to chorus)
C#mIts a daz-zling pAlace tEhat I never Bmnew bC#mut now from my eAyes iEts crys-tal Bmclear C#mi'm in a whole nAew world with you (chorus)
C#munbeliveble sAights Ei can't belive Bmhow it feels C#mits like i'm fAlying tEhought the Bmskys C#mit feels like Aa whole new world (chorus)
C#mhundred tAhousand things to see iE'm not gBmoing to close my eyes C#mi feel like a sAhooting star iE'v got so Bmfar C#mtrying to get Aback where i came (chorus) C#mcan you sAhow me the world tonight Ecan we Bmfly across the sky C#mthere will be a tAhrilling place fEor me and Bmyou
(go back to VERSE 2)