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"A Whole New World" - from Aladdin(Disney) Lyrics: Tim Rice Music: Alan Menken Transcribed by: Dave McGinn ( D D/G D X2
DI can D/Gshow you the wDorld DShining, sD/Ghimmering, BmsplenA/C#did EmTell me, F#7princess, now Bmwhen did Bm/AYou last Glet your heart decDide'
DI can D/Gopen your eyDes DTake you D/Gwonder by BmwondA/C#er EmOver, sF#7ideways and uBmnder Bm/AOn a maGgic carpet rDide
GA whole new woArld GA new fanA/C#tastic poiDnt of view No one to tGell us D/F#no Or whGere to D/F#go Or Bm7say we're E7only dA7reaming
GA whole new woArld A daGzzling placAe I Bbdim7never kBmnew (D7) G D/F# But when I'm way up here It's cGrystal cD/F#lear That Bm7now I'm E7in a Cwhole new wA7orld with yDou DNow I'mDsus4 in a wChole new wA7orld with yDou
FUnbelF/Bbievable sFights FIndescF/BbribableDm feeC/Eling GmSoaring, tA7umbling, freewheDmeling Dm/CThrough an eBbndless diamond sFky
BbA whole new woCrld (Don't you dare close your eyes) BbA hundred thC/Eousand thiFngs to see (Hold your breath - it gets better) I'm like a sBbhooting sF/Atar I've cBbome so F/Afar I Dm7can't go G7back to C7where I used to be
BbA whole new worldC (Every turn a surprise) BbWith new horiCzonsDbdim7 to purDmsue (Every moment red-letter) F7I'll chase them BbanywhF/Aere There's tBbime to spF/Aare Dm7Let me shG7are this wEbhole new woC7rld with yoFu
A whBbole new woCrld That's whBbere we'll Cbe A thrBbilling chaCse A wBbonderous placCe (C7) F For you and me
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've looked for the chords to this song for ages, but they don't seem to be anywhere, so I got the piano sheet music off and got the chords off that. It's a little hard to follow from the sheets, but I tried my best. I got rid of some of the alt-bass notes cos they're unnecessary for guitar, but others sound good, so I left them in. At worst, it's a starting point for someone to do a better transcription. Anywho, enjoy, beautiful song!