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Tuning: E A D G B E
This song has a lot of bass changes throughout the verses and I tried to transcribe them best as I can. Also, there's a key change in the song. When it says "woooooorld", you should play one A chord per beat. Key: D [Intro] Dadd9 Dadd9/F# / Dadd9 Dadd9/F# Dadd9 Dadd9/F# / Dadd9 Dadd9/F# [Verse]
Dadd11I Dadd11/A can Dadd11 show you the worlDadd11/F#d Dadd11Shi- Dadd11/A ning, shDadd11immering,Gmaj7/B splen- A6/C# did G6Tell me, F#7princess, F#7/A#now wBmhen did Bm/AYou last lGet G/Dyour hGeartG/A deciDde?A7sus4 Dadd11I Dadd11/A can Dadd11 open your eyesDadd11/F# Dadd11Take Dadd11/A you Dadd11wonder byGmaj7/B won- A6/C#der G6Over, sF#7idewF#7/A#ays and uBmnder Bm/AOn a mGa-G/Dgic GcarpG/Aet rDide
D6add11/A A D6add11 whole new AwoA6oooA7/C#oooorlAd D D6add11/A A D6add11 new fantAas-tA6ic A7/C#point A7of viDadd9ew No one to tA/Gell usD/F# no Or whA/Gere to D/F#go Or Bm7say we're E7sus4only drE7eamGadd9/Aing Gmaj7A whole new AwoA6oooA7/C#ooooorAldD D6add11/A A D6add11dazzling pAlace A#dim7I never D6/Bknew D7/ABut when I'm wA/Gay up D/F#here It's cA/Grystal cD/F#lear That Bm7now I'mE7sus2 in E7 a Cadd9whole new A7sus4world wA7ith you DNow I'mDsus4 in a wChole new wA7orld with yDadd9ou Dadd9/F# Dadd9 Dadd9/F#
Key: F [Verse]
Fadd11Un- Fadd11/C be- lFadd11ievable sights Fadd11/G Fadd11In- Fadd11/C de- sFadd11cribableBbmaj7/D feel- C6/Eing SBb6oaring, tuA7sus4mbling,A7/C# freewhDmeeling Dm/CThrough an eBbnd-Bb/Fless diBb/Gamond skyF/A
F6add11/C A F6add11whole new CwoC6oooC7/EoooooCrldF (Don't you dare close your eyes) F6add11/C A hF6add11undred thCou-sC6and tC7/Ehings Cto Fadd9see (Hold your breath, it gets better) I'm like a sC/Bbhooting F/Astar I've C/Bbcome so F/Afar I Dm7can't go G7sus4back whG7ere I Bb9/Cused to be BbA whole new CwoC6oooC7/EoooooCrldF (Every turn a surprise) F6add1/C F6add11 C C#dim7 F6/D With new horizons to pursue (Every moment red-letter) F7/CI'll chase them C/BbanywheF/Are There's C/Bbtime to sF/Apare Dm7Let me shG7areG7sus4 this whEbole new wBb/Corld wC7ith youDm Dm/F
F/C A wBbadd9hole new wF/Aorld ThFat's wF/Ahere we'llGm11 be F/A FA F/Athrilling Bb9chase Bb/F A Bb9wonderous C7sus4place For you and Fme F/C F