Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
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Tuning: E A D G B E
Hallelujah chords
Leonard Cohen (live London version)
C Am C Am C Am C Am
[Verse 1]
Now I've Cheard there was a Amsecret chord,
that CDavid played, and it Ampleased the Lord
But Fyou don't really Gcare for music, Cdo you? G
It Cgoes like this the Ffourth, the Gfifth,
the Amminor fall, the Fmajor lift
The Gbaffled king comEmposing HalleAmlujah
HalleCluG Cjah G
[Verse 2]
Your Cfaith was strong but you Amneeded proof,
you Csaw her bathing Amon the roof
Her Fbeauty and the Gmoonlight overCthrew you G
She Ctied you to a Fkitchen Gchair,
she Ambroke your throne, and she Fcut your hair
And Gfrom your lips she Emdrew the HalleAmlujah
HalleCluG Cjah G
[Verse 3]
Now, Cmaybe there's a AmGod above,
and Call I ever Amlearned from love,
was Fhow to shoot at Gsomeone who outCdrew you G
It's Cnot a cry you can Fhear at Gnight,
it's Amnot somebody who's Fseen the light,
it's a Gcold and it's a Embroken HalleAmlujah
HalleCluG Cjah G
[Verse 4]
Oh, Cpeople, I ve been Amhere before,
I Cknow this room, I've Amwalked this floor
I Fused to live aGlone before I Cknew you.G
I've Cseen your flag on the Fmarble Garch
AmLove is not a Fvictory march
it's a Gcold and it's a Embroken HalleAmlujah
HalleCluG Cjah G
[Verse 5]
There was a Ctime you Amlet me know,
what's Creally going Amon below
But Fnow you never Gshow it to me, Cdo you? G
And reCmember when I Fmoved in Gyou
The Amholy dove was Fmoving too
And Gevery breath we Emdrew was HalleAmlujah
HalleCluG Cjah G
[Verse 6]
I ve Cdone my best, it Amwasn't much,
I Ccouldn't feel, so I Amlearned to touch
I've Ftold the truth, I didn't Gcome to Cfool youG
And Ceven though it Fall went Gwrong
I'll Amstand before the FLord of Song
With Gnothing on my Emtongue but HalleAmlujah
[Chorus] (x2)
HalleCluG Cjah G