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G Em G Em G Em G Em
Now I've Gheard there was a Emsecret chord, that GDavid played, and it Empleased the Lord But Cyou don't really Dcare for music, Gdo you? D It Ggoes like this the Cfourth, the Dfifth, the Emminor fall, the Cmajor lift The Dbaffled king comBmposing HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleGluD Gjah D
Your Gfaith was strong but you Emneeded proof, you Gsaw her bathing Emon the roof Her Cbeauty and the Dmoonlight overGthrew you D She Gtied you to a Ckitchen Dchair, she Embroke your throne, and she Ccut your hair And Dfrom your lips she Bmdrew the HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleGluD Gjah D
Now, Gmaybe there's a EmGod above, and Gall I ever Emlearned from love, was Chow to shoot at Dsomeone who outGdrew you D It's Gnot a cry you can Chear at Dnight, it's Emnot somebody who's Cseen the light, it's a Dcold and it's a Bmbroken HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleGluD Gjah D
Oh, Gpeople, I ve been Emhere before, I Gknow this room, I've Emwalked this floor I Cused to live aDlone before I Gknew you.D I've Gseen your flag on the Cmarble Darch EmLove is not a Cvictory march it's a Dcold and it's a Bmbroken HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleGluD Gjah D
There Gwas a time you Emlet me know, what's Greally going Emon below But Cnow you never Dshow it to me, Gdo you? D And reGmember when I Cmoved in Dyou The Emholy dove was Cmoving too And Devery breath we Bmdrew was HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleGluD Gjah D
I've Gdone my best, it Emwasn't much, I Gcouldn't feel, so I Emlearned to touch I've Ctold the truth, I Ddidn't come to Gfool youD And Geven though it Call went Dwrong I'll Emstand before the CLord of Song With Dnothing on my Bmtongue but HalleEmlujah
||: HalleClujah HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleGlujah D :|| 3x HalleClujah HalleEmlujah HalleClujah HalleGluD Gjah D
Greets Taduz