Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
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C C/B Am
C C/B Am
Am F C E7 Am
F Am F C G C G
IC heard therC/Be was aAm secret chord
that CDavid played C/Band it Ampleased the Lord
But Fyou don't really Gcare for music Cdo yaG
It Cgoes like this the Ffourth the Gfifth
the Amminor fall and the Fmajor lift
The Gbaffled king compE7osing hallelAmujah
HallelFujah, HalleAmlujah, HallelFujah, HalleClu G-jahC G
[Verse 2]
Your Cfaith was strong C/Bbut you Amneeded proof
You Csaw her C/Bbathing Amon the roof
Her Fbeauty and the Gmoonlight overtChrew yaG
She Ctied you to a Fkitchen Gchair
She Ambroke your throne, and she Fcut your hair
And Gfrom your lips she E7drew the HallelAmujah
HallelFujah, HalleAmlujah, HallelFujah, HalleClu G-jahC G
[Verse 3]
CMaybe I've C/Bbeen Amhere before
I Cknow this room C/BIve Amwalked this floor
I Fused to live alGone before I Cknew youG
I've Cseen your flag on the Fmarble Garch
But AmLove is not a Fvictory march
It’s a Gcold and it’s a E7broken halleAmlujah
HallelFujah, HalleAmlujah, HallelFujah, HalleClu G-jahC G
[Verse 4]
There Cwas a time C/Byou Amlet me know
What's Creal and C/Bgoing Amon below
But Fnow you never Gshow it to me Cdo youG?
I remCember when I Fmoved in Gyou
The Amholy dark was Fmoving too
And Gevery breath we E7drew was hallelAmujah
HallelFujah, HalleAmlujah, HallelFujah, HalleClu G-jahC G
[Verse 5]
CMaybe thereC/B’s a AmGod above
But Call I C/Bever Amlearned from love
Was Fhow to shoot at Gsomeone who outdCrew youG
It’sC not the cry that youF hear atG night
It's Amnot someone who's Fseen the light
It’s a Gcold and it’s a E7broken hallelAmujah
HallelFujah, HalleAmlujah, HallelFujah, HalleClu G jahC G
[Verse 6]
You Csay I tookC/B the Amname in vain
But CI don'tC/B even Amknow the name
But Fif I did, well Greally, what's it Cto ya?G
There's a Cblaze of light in Fevery Gword
It Amdoesn't matter wFhich you heard
The Gholy or the E7broken HallelAmujah
HallelFujah, HalleAmlujah, HallelFujah, HalleClu G-jahC G
[Verse 7]
I Cdid my bestC/B, it Amwasn't much
I Ccouldn't feel,C/B so I Amtried to touch
I've Ftold the truth, I Gdidn't come to Cfool yaG
And Ceven though it Fall went Gwrong
I'll Amstand before the FLord of Song
With Gnothing on my E7tongue but HallelAmujah
HallelFujah, HalleAmlujah, HallelFujah, HalleClu G-jahC G
HalleFlujah, HalleAmlujah, HalleFlujah, HallelCu G
HalleFlujah, HalleAmlujah, HalleFlujah, HallelCu G
HalleFlujah, HalleAmlujah, HalleFlujah, HalleCluG--Cjah