Green Day - Waiting
tabsver. 5
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This is the guitar for waiting but i'll just put the bass in brakets.
Standard Tuning Intro no distortion
You play this until he says 'Downtown'then the verse start with a bit of distortion.
---6------------6-x5 quickly--8--------------6--x5-quickly--
Play this twice and then you play the last power chord slowly instead off quickly.Repeat that
whole process twice and then the chorus.....
I can't be bothered to do any more you should be able to work the rest out heres the solo...
e |-------------------------------------------------------
B |-------------------------------------------------------
G |--8slide5----------------------------------------------
D |----------8-10-11-10-8---------------------------------
A |-------------------------------------------------------
E |-------------------------------------------------------
repeat 2x
e |---------------------------------------------------------
B |------------------------------------------11-------------
G |--------------------------------10-----10----10----------
D |--10slide6---8--10-11-10--8---8-----8-------------8slide6
A |---------------------------------------------------------
E |---------------------------------------------------------
Thanku another geeeereat tab by
El Leggio