Green Day - Waiting
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Artist: Green Day
Song: Waiting
Album Warning / International superhits
Tabbed by: Richard Shearer (
I decided to tab this song out 'cos no one's really got it like it really is.
I didn't see them play it live but I absure you it's really close to 100%.
If you've been waiting a long time for this tabs to come, you're destined to read them
at all!
PS: Billie joe uses to play 1/2 a step, so if youwant to play the way he does, instead
of G# play A, etc.
Intro / verse:
e |-------------------------------------------------------
B |-------------------------------------------------------
G |--------6---------6------------------------------------
D |-6------6----6----6------------------------------------
A |-6------4----6----4------------------------------------
E |-4-----------8-----------------------------------------
G# C# Bb C#
repeat it a thousand times until the chorus comes in!
e |-------------------------------------------------------
B |-------------------------------------------------------
G |--------------8---3------------------------------------
D |--3-----1-----8---3------------------------------------
A |--3-----2-----6---1------------------------------------
E |--1-----0----------------------------------------------
e |-------------------------------------------------------
B |-------------------------------------------------------
G |--6------8---------------------------------------------
D |--6--6---8---------------------------------------------
A |--4--6---6---------------------------------------------
E |-----4-------------------------------------------------
The solo is really easy and it goes like this:
e |-------------------------------------------------------
B |-------------------------------------------------------
G |--8slide5----------------------------------------------
D |----------8-10-11-10-8---------------------------------
A |-------------------------------------------------------
E |-------------------------------------------------------
repeat 2x
e |-----------------------------------------------------------
B |------------------------------------------11---------------
G |--------------------------------10-----10----10------------
D |--10slide6---8--10-11-10--8---8-----8-------------8slide6--
A |-----------------------------------------------------------
E |-----------------------------------------------------------
if you guys wanna hear a band like green day, go to they rock!