Green Day - Waiting
tabsver. 10
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Name: Ben
Tabs: Song: Waiting
Artist: Green Day
Tabbed by:
G#5 C#5 A#5 F5 G5
E: -----------------------------------------|
B: -----------------------------------------|
G: --------6-------------------------------|
D: -6-----6-----8-----3----5-------------|
A: -6-----4-----8-----3----5-------------|
E: -4------------6-----1----3-------------|
G#5I've been waitiC#5ng a long time for this momenA#5t to come C#5
I'm destG#5ined for aC#5nything at all A#5 C#5
G#5Downtown lights wiC#5ll be shining on me like a newA#5 diamond C#5
G#5Ring out undC#5er the midnight hour A#5 C#5
G#5No one can touC#5ch me now and I can't tA#5urn my baC#5ck
It's tG#5oo late reaC#5dy or not at all A#5 C#5
F5I'm so much closer than I have ever known
C#5Wake up! G#5 C#5
G#5Dawning of a neC#5w era calling
dA#5on't let it caC#5tch you
G#5Falling ready oC#5r not at all A#5 C#5
G#5So close enougC#5h to taste it almost
I caA#5n embracC#5e this
on theC#5 tip of my tongue A#5 C#5
F5I'm so much closer than I have ever known G#5
C#5 G#5 C#5
(Repeat chords 7x)
Wake up! Better thank your lucky stars
( ( Solo! ) )
E: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B: ---4---1-----------------------------4---1--------------------------------1-------|
G: -------------3(h)5----6---5---3--------------3(h)5----6---5---3-----------1---|
D: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
A: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B: ---------------------------------------3--3---------------------------------------|
G:---3(h)5----6---5---3-----3-3-3-- ------------------3-----1---1---1---1---1----|
D: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
A: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
F5I'm so much closer than I have ever known G#5
C#5 G#5 C#5
(Repeat chords 7x)
Wake up! Better thank your lucky stars
G#5I've been waitinC#5g a lifetime for this mA#5oment to come C#5
I'm destinG#5ed for anything at C#5all A#5 C#5
G#5Dumbstruck color me stC#5upid good luck you'rA#5e gonna need it C#5
G#5Where I'm going iC#5f I get there at aA#5ll
WakeG#5 up! C#5 BetteA#5r thankC#5 your lG#5ucky stC#5ars
A#5 C#5
That's the song. If you have any changes to make email me about it at: