Billy Joel - Piano man
chordsver. 16
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Piano Man
Billy Joel
Chorded by John H P Rushton
3/4 time
Strumming pattern... Root / Down-up / Down-up OR... Root / Down / Down
The chords are a simplification of other chording shown for this song, posted elsewhere on this site.
In the version that I have put forward, 'syntax' errors have also been corrected.
It's Gnine o'cDlock on a Emsaturday
The reguClar crowd shuffles Ain
There's an Gold mDan sitting Emnext to me
Makin' Clove to his Dtonic and Ggin
He says, Gson, can you Dplay me a Emmemory'
I'm Cnot really sure how it Agoes
But it's Gsad and it's Dsweet and i Emknew it complete
When Ci wore a Dyounger man's Gclothes
EmLa la la, de Dde da
EmLa la, de de Dda da Gda
GSing us a Dsong, you're the Empiano man
CSing us a song Atonight
Well, we're Gall in the Dmood for a Emmelody
And Cyou've got us Dfeelin' Galright
Now Gjohn at the Dbar is a Emfriend of mine
He Cgets me my drinks for Afree
And he's Gquick with a Djoke or to Emlight up your smoke
But there's Csomeplace that Dhe'd rather Gbe
He says, Gbill, i Dbelieve this is Emkilling me
As the Csmile ran away from his Aface
well i'm Gsure that i Dcould be a Emmovie star
If Ci could get Dout of this Gplace
Oh, Emla la la, de de Dda
EmLa la, de de Dda da Gda
Now Gpaul is a Dreal estate Emnovelist
Who Cnever had time for a Awife
And he's Gtalkin' with Ddavy who's Emstill in the navy
And Cprobably Dwill be for Glife
And the Gwaitress is Dpracticing Empolitics
As the Cbusinessmen slowly get Astoned
Yes, they're Gsharing a Ddrink they call Emloneliness
But it's Cbetter than Ddrinkin' Galone
It's a Gpretty good Dcrowd for a Emsaturday
And the Cmanager gives me a Asmile
'cause he Gknows that it's Dme they've been Emcomin' to see
To Cforget about Dlife for a Gwhile
And the Gpiano, it Dsounds like a Emcarnival
And the Cmicrophone smells like a Abeer
And they Gsit at the Dbar and put Embread in my jar
And say, Cman, what are Dyou doin' Ghere'
Oh, Emla la la, de de Dda
EmLa la, de de Dda da Gda