Billy Joel - Piano man
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Billy Joel
C G Am C F C D G
C G Am C F G C C F F
[Verse 1]
Its Cnine o’Gclock on a sAmaturday C
The Fregular crCowd shufflDes in G
There’s an Cold manG sitting Amnext to me C
Making lFove to his Gtonic and Cgin C
C G Am C F G C C F F
[Verse 2]
He says Cson can you Gplay me a Ammemory C
I’m nFot really sCure how it gDoes G
But it’s sCad and its sGweet and I kAmnew it Ccomplete
when FI wore a Gyounger man’s CclothesC
AmLa da Cda de de Da D7 D7 Am
da Cda de de D7Da D7 da DA G G7 G G7
CSing us a Gsong you’re thAme piano maCn
FSing us a Csong tonDight G
Well we’re aCll in the mGood for a mAmelody C
and Fyou’ve got us Gfeeling all Cright C
C G Am C F G C C F F C C F F
[Verse 3]
Now Cjohn at the Gbar is a Amfriend of mine
He Fgets me my drinks for Dfree
And he's Cquick with a Gjoke or to Amlight up your smoke
But there's Fsomeplace that Ghe'd rather Cbe
He says, "Cbill, i Gbelieve this is Amkilling me."
As the Fsmile ran away from his Dface
"well i'm Csure that i Gcould be a Ammovie star
If Fi could get Gout of this Cplace"
AmLa da Cda de de Da D7 D7 Am
da Cda de de D7Da D7 da DA G G7 G G7
[Verse 5]
Now Cpaul is a Greal estate Amnovelist
Who Fnever had time for a Dwife
And he's Ctalkin' with Gdavy who's Amstill in the navy
And Fprobably Gwill be for Clife
And the Cwaitress is Gpracticing Ampolitics
As the Fbusinessmen slowly get Dstoned
Yes, they're Csharing a Gdrink they call Amloneliness
But it's Fbetter than Gdrinkin' Calone
CSing us a Gsong you’re thAme piano maCn
FSing us a Csong tonDight G
Well we’re aCll in the mGood for a mAmelody C
and Fyou’ve got us Gfeeling all Cright C
[Verse 6]
It's a Cpretty good Gcrowd for a Amsaturday
And the Fmanager gives me a Dsmile
'cause he Cknows that it's Gme they've been Amcomin' to see
To Fforget about Glife for a Cwhile
And the Cpiano, it Gsounds like a Amcarnival
And the Fmicrophone smells like a Dbeer
And they Csit at the Gbar and put Ambread in my jar
And say, "Fman, what are Gyou doin' Chere?
AmLa da Cda de de Da D7 D7 Am
da Cda de de D7Da D7 da DA G G7 G G7
CSing us a Gsong you’re thAme piano maCn
FSing us a Csong tonDight G
Well we’re aCll in the mGood for a mAmelody C
and Fyou’ve got us Gfeeling all Cright C