U2 - Moment of surrender
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U2 - Moment of Surrender Chords
I don't play the high e string for the D chord at the end of the verse. Also I
usually end the Chorus with a C chord.
Also the "C/B" is just a C chord but with a B note as the root.
Verse Chord Progression, Am, Am, F, F, C, C/B, E, E, D, D
Chorus Chord Progression, F, C, F, C, Am, G, F, F
AmI tied myself wFith wire
FTo let the hCorses roam free
C/BPlaying with the fire
UntilE the fire played Ewith meD D Am
AmThe stone waFs semi-precious
FWe were barelyC conscious
TwC/Bo souls too smart to be
In theE realm of certainty
EEven on our weDdding day D Am
We Amset ourselvFes on fire
Oh GFod, do not deny heCr
It's C/Bnot if I believe in love
If lEove belieEves in me
Oh, bDelieve in meD
At theF moment of Csurrender
I foFlded to my knCees
I Amdid not notice the pasGsers-by
And they dFid not notice mFe Am
AmI've been in every bFlack hole
At the Faltar of theC dark star
My C/Bbody's now a begging bowl
That's bEegging to gEet back, begging to get back
To mDy heaDrt
To the rhAmythm Amof my soul
To the rhyFthm of my Funconsciousness
To the rhCythm that yearns
C/BTo be releaseEd from contErol
I was puFnching in the nuCmbers at the AFTM macChine
I could Amsee in the reflGection
A faceF staring back at Fme
At the mFoment of surrCender
Of viFsion oveCr visibility
I Amdid not notice the pasGsers-by
And they Fdid not notice meF
I was spFeeding on the suCbway
Through the sFtations of thCe cross
Every eAmye looking every otGher way
Counting doFwn 'til the train would stop F