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Yer So Bad chords Tom Petty Am
My sister got Dlucky, Gmarried a Amyuppie Took him for Dall he was Gworth Now Amshe's a Dswinger, Gdating a Amsinger; I can't deDcide which is Gworse
But Emnot Cme, Gba Dby, I've got Emyou Cto Gsave Dme Oh, Gyer Dso Cbad, Gbest thing I Dever Chad In a Gworld Dgone Cmad, Gyer Dso Cbad D
My Amsister's ex-Dhusband, Gcan't get no Amlovin'; walks around Ddog-faced and Ghurt AmNow he's got Dnothin', Ghead in the Amoven; I can't deDcide which is Gworse
But Emnot Cme, Gba Dby, I've got Emyou Cto Gsave Dme Oh, Gyer Dso Cbad, Gbest thing I Dever Chad In a Gworld Dgone Cmad, Gyer Dso Cbad D
Am D G Am D G Am D G Am D G
But Emnot Cme, Gba Dby, I've got Emyou Cto Gsave Dme Oh, Gyer Dso Cbad, Gbest thing I Dever Chad In a Gworld Dgone Cmad, Gyer Dso Cbad
Oh, Gyer Dso Cbad, Gbest thing I Dever Chad In a Gworld Dgone Cmad, Gyer Dso Cbad D
G C G G Set8