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Yer So Bad (Tom Petty)
AmMy sister got Dlucky GMarried a Amyuppie
Amtook him for Dall he was Gworth Amnow she's a Dswinger
Gdating a Amsinger AmI can't dDecide which is Gworse
but Emnot---Cme---Gba---Dbay I got Emyou---Cto---Gsave---Dme
GYou're Dso Cbad Gbest thing DI ever Chad
Gin a world Dgone Cmad Gyou're Dso Cbad D
AmMy sister's Dex-husband Gcan't get no Amloving
Amwalks around Ddog-faced and Ghurt Amnow he's got Dnothing
Ghead's in the Amoven AmI can't Ddecide which is Gworse
chorus G G C C G G G