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Capo: 2
The Streets Of New York: The Wolfetones Capo on 2nd fret
FI was eighteen years Dmold when I Fwent down to FDublin With a Ffistfull of Ammoney and a Dmcartload of Gdreams. "TakFe your time,"Dm; said my fathFer, "stoFp rushing like Hell, And rFemember all's Amnot what it sG7eems to bFe.
For there's Gfellas who'd Amcut you for the Fcoat on your Fback, Or that Fwatch that you Amgot from your Gmother. So take Fcare, my young Dmbucko, and Fmind yourself Fwell. And would you Fgive this wee G7note to my Fbrother."
At the Gtime, Uncle Benjy was a Fpoliceman in FBrooklyn, And my Gfather, the youngest, looked Fafter the Gfarm. Til a Fphone call from DmAmerica said &Fquot;Send theF lad over." And my Fold fella Amsaid, "Sure, t'woulGdn't doF any harm.
For I've Fspent my life Gworking this Fdirty old ground For a Ffew pints of poGrter and the sFmell of a pound. And sure, maFybe there's Dmsomething you'll Flearn or you'll Fsee, And you can Fbring it back Amhome, make it G7easier on mFe."
FSo, I landed at DmKennedy, and a Fbig yellow Ftaxi Carried Fme and my Ambags through the Dmstreets and the Grain. Well, my Fpoor heart was Dmthumping aFround with Fexcitement, And I Fhardly even Amheard what the dG7river was sFaying.
We came Gin the Shore AmParkway through the Fflatlands in FBrooklyn, To my Funcle's aAmpartment on East G53rd. I was Ffeeling so Dmhappy, I was Fhumming a Fsong, And I Fsang "You'rG7e as free Fas a bird."
Well, to Gshorten the story, whatI Ffound out that Fday GWas that Benjy got shot doFwn in anF uptown foray. And Fwhile I was Dmflying my Fway to NewF York, Poor FBenjy was Amlying in a Gcold city Fmorgue.
Well, I Fcalled up my old fella, Gtold him the Fnews. I could Ftell he could hardly Fstand up in his Gshoes. And he Fwept as he Dmtold me go aFhead with the Fplan, And Fnot to fAmorget, be a Gproud Irish Fman.
FSo, I went up to DmNellie's bFeside Fordham FRoad, And I Fstarted to Amlearn about lDmifting my Gload. But theF heaviest Dmthing that I Fcarried that Fyear Was the Fbittersweet Amthoughts of my G7hometown so Fdear.
I went Ghome that AmDecember cause my Fold fella Fdied. I had to Fborrow the Ammoney from a Dmfella on the siGde. And Fall the bright Dmflowers and bFrass couldn't Fhide The Fpoor, wasted G7face of my Ffather.
I sold Goff the old far yard for Fwhat it was Fworth, And iGnto my bag stuck a Fhandful of Gearth. Then I Fboarded a Dmtrain and I Fcaught me a Fplane, And I Ffound myself Amback in the GU.S. Fagain.
It's been Ftwenty-two years since I Fset foot in GDublin. My Fkids know to Guse the Fcorrect knife and Ffork. But I'll Fnever Dmforget the green Fgrass and the Frivers, As I Fkeep law and Amorder in the Dmstreets of New FYork
FNa,na,na na,na,Dmna, na,na,nFa,na,na,nFa,na, Na,Fna, na,na,Amna, na,na,Dmna,na,na,nFa.