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Capo: 2
The Streets Of New York: The Wolfetones Capo on 2nd fret
GI was eighteen years Amold when I Gwent down to CDublin With a Gfistfull of Emmoney and a Amcartload of Ddreams. "TakGe your time,"Am; said my fathGer, "stoCp rushing like Hell, And rGemember all's Emnot what it sD7eems to bGe.
For there's Dfellas who'd Emcut you for the Ccoat on your Gback, Or that Cwatch that you Emgot from your Dmother. So take Gcare, my young Ambucko, and Gmind yourself Cwell. And would you Ggive this wee D7note to my Gbrother."
At the Dtime, Uncle Benjy was a Cpoliceman in GBrooklyn, And my Dfather, the youngest, looked Cafter the Dfarm. Til a Gphone call from AmAmerica said &Gquot;Send theC lad over." And my Gold fella Emsaid, "Sure, t'woulDdn't doG any harm.
For I've Cspent my life Dworking this Gdirty old ground For a Cfew pints of poDrter and the sGmell of a pound. And sure, maGybe there's Amsomething you'll Glearn or you'll Csee, And you can Gbring it back Emhome, make it D7easier on mGe."
GSo, I landed at AmKennedy, and a Gbig yellow Ctaxi Carried Gme and my Embags through the Amstreets and the Drain. Well, my Gpoor heart was Amthumping aGround with Cexcitement, And I Ghardly even Emheard what the dD7river was sGaying.
We came Din the Shore EmParkway through the Cflatlands in GBrooklyn, To my Cuncle's aEmpartment on East D53rd. I was Gfeeling so Amhappy, I was Ghumming a Csong, And I Gsang "You'rD7e as free Gas a bird."
Well, to Dshorten the story, whatI Cfound out that Gday DWas that Benjy got shot doCwn in anG uptown foray. And Gwhile I was Amflying my Gway to NewC York, Poor GBenjy was Emlying in a Dcold city Gmorgue.
Well, I Ccalled up my old fella, Dtold him the Gnews. I could Ctell he could hardly Gstand up in his Dshoes. And he Gwept as he Amtold me go aGhead with the Cplan, And Gnot to fEmorget, be a Dproud Irish Gman.
GSo, I went up to AmNellie's bGeside Fordham CRoad, And I Gstarted to Emlearn about lAmifting my Dload. But theG heaviest Amthing that I Gcarried that Cyear Was the Gbittersweet Emthoughts of my D7hometown so Gdear.
I went Dhome that EmDecember cause my Cold fella Gdied. I had to Cborrow the Emmoney from a Amfella on the siDde. And Gall the bright Amflowers and bGrass couldn't Chide The Gpoor, wasted D7face of my Gfather.
I sold Doff the old far yard for Cwhat it was Gworth, And iDnto my bag stuck a Chandful of Dearth. Then I Gboarded a Amtrain and I Gcaught me a Cplane, And I Gfound myself Emback in the DU.S. Gagain.
It's been Ctwenty-two years since I Gset foot in DDublin. My Ckids know to Duse the Ccorrect knife and Gfork. But I'll Gnever Amforget the green Ggrass and the Crivers, As I Gkeep law and Emorder in the Amstreets of New GYork
GNa,na,na na,na,Amna, na,na,nGa,na,na,nCa,na, Na,Gna, na,na,Emna, na,na,Amna,na,na,nGa.