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Needle & Thread Here are the correct chords for this amazing song. Enjoy! Key: F
FWhen the world welcomes us in, DmWe’re closer to HeaveCn than we’lBbl ever know.F FThey say this place has changed, But stDmrip away aCll of the teBbchnologyF And you will Amsee That Bbwe all are Chunters, DmHunting for something that will Cmake us okFay.
FHere we lay alone in hosDmpital beCds, Tracing Bblife in our headFs;
But all that is Amleft Is that Bbthis was our entCrance and nDmow it’s our exit, CAs we find our way hoFme.
All the Bbblood Cand all the sDmweat That weC inveBbsted toC be lovFed Follows Bbus C into our enDmd, WChere we begBbin to CunderstFand
FThat we are made of loveBb, And all the beauty sFtemming from it. We are made of lBbove, And every fracture cFaused by the lack of Cit. “You were a millFion years of work,” Said GDmod and His aCngels, with nBbeedle and Fthread. They kissed your hAmead and saBbid, “You’re a gDmood kid and you mCake us proud. So juBbst give your Cbest and the Dmrest will cCome, And we’ll see you soFon.”
All the Bbblood Cand all the sDmweat That weC inveBbsted toC be lovFed Follows Bbus C into our enDmd, WChere we begBbin to CunderstFand
FThat maybe HollBbywood was rFight: When the creDmdits have roClled and the teaBbrs have driFed, The anDmswers that Cwe have been dBbying to fiFnd Are Dmall pieced togeCther and, sBbomehow, Made perfectly mDmine. Bb minFe, mineBb, made perfectlyC mine FWe are made of love,Bb And all the beauty stemmFing from it. We are made of loBbve, And every fracture causeFd by the lack of loveC. Caused byBb the lack of loFve