Sleeping At Last - Needle thread
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So I worked very hard on learning this song and I really hope you guys enjoy
it! I made it to where there are no bar chords but you can use them if you
want! And btw on the Bb I didn't know what chord it was exactly so I just
left it as a Bb because without a capo its barred on the 6th so I guess its
like an F. So if you look below you'll see how to play it. ENJOY! (:
Cm-030013 OR 031013
Intro: C
When the world welcomes us in, we're cCmloser to HGeaven than wBbe'll ever
kCnow. And they say this place has changed, but sCmtrip away aGll of the
tBbechnolAmogy and you will Emsee that we Bbare all huGnters hAmunting for somCething
that'll mGake us oCkay.
Here we lay alone in hoCmspital bGeds tracing lBbife in our hAmeads, but all
that is lEmeft is that tBbhis was our enGtrance and nAmow it's ouCr exit as we Gfind
our way hCome.
And all the bBblood and aGll the sAmweat that Gwe inBbvested tGo be lAmoved follows
Bbus iGnto our Amend where Gwe beBbgin to uGndersCtand.
That Bbwe are made of lGove Bband all the beauty Cstemming from it. BbWe are made
ofG love Bband every fracture Ccaused by the lack of Git.
"You weCre a million years of work,&qCmuot; said GodG and his angBbels with needle
and tChread. They kissed Emyour head and sBbaid, &qGuot;You'rAme a good kid andEm you make
us proud, Cso just give yourBb best and the reGst will cAmome and wGe'll see you
And all the bBblood and aGll the sAmweat that Gwe invBbested Gto be lCoved follows
Bbus iGnto our eAmnd where Gwe begBbin to uGndersCtand.
Maybe Hollywood was right when the credits have and our tears have dried
and the anAmswers that Gwe have been dBbying to fEmind aCre pieced together and,
sBbomehow, made pCerfectly mGine, mBbine, mAmine, made pBberfectly mGine.
CWe are made of love and Bball the beauty Cstemming from it. We are made of
lBbove and every fracture cCaused by the lack of lGove, caused Cby the lBback of
I tried my best and this sounded right. Hope y'all like it!