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AI painted your Froom at midnight, ASo I'd know Fyesterday was over. AI put all your Fbooks on the top shelf, CEven the A#one with the four leaf Cclover. A# Man I'm getting Colder. A#
AI took all your Fpictures off the wall, AAnd I wrapped them in a Fnewspaper blanket. AAnd I haven't Fslept in what seems like a Ccentury. A#And now I can G#barely breathe. A#
Just like the Acrow Cchasing the Fbutterfly, DandiAlions Clost in the Fsummer sky. 'Cause when Ayou and I were Cgettin' high as Fouter space, I never Athought Cyou would Fslip away. I guess AI was Cjust a Flittle too late.
Same all the way through except for solo: D#, A#, F