Shinedown - Crow and the butterfly
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A I painted youFr room at midnight
A So I know thatF yesterday was over
A I put all yourF books on the top shelf
C Even theBb one with the four-leafedC clover
Bb Man I'm gettingC older Bb
A I took all yourF pictures off the wall
A And I wrapped them in aF newspaper blanket
A And i haventF slept in what seems like aC century
Bb And now i can G#barely breathe Bb
Just like the Acrow Cchasing the Fbutterfly
DandeAlions Clost in the Fsummer sky
when Ayou and I Were Cgetting high as Fouter space
I never Fthought you would Gslip away
I guess FI was just a Glittle too late A F A F
A Your words still Fserenade me
A And your alibFis wont let me sleep
A And I never Fheard such a haunting Cmelody
Bb And now it is Ckilling me
Bb You know I can G#barely breathe Bb