R.E.M. - Parakeet
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yFou wake Dmup in tAhe morning
and Ffall out Dmof your Abed
Fmean cat Dmeat parakAeets
and Gthis one's Fnearly Edead.
you Fdearly Dmwish the Awind shift
and Fgreasy Dmwindows Aslide
Fopen Dmfor the Aparakeet
who's Gcolored Fbitter Elime.
Dmopen the Fwindow
and Dmlift into your DmdreamGs
Dmlately, Fbaby
Dmyou can barely Gbreathe.E7
a Fbroken Dmwrist an Aaccident
you Fknow that Dmsomething's Awrong
you Ffold the Dmleavings Aof your past
nGo one Fknows you've Egone.
the Fsunspot Dmflares of the Aearly
nineties Flight Dmup your Awings.
and Fscan the Dmshortwave Aradio
it's Gtracking Fouter Erings.
Dmopen your Fwindow
to Dmlift into a DmdreamG
Dmbaby, Fbaby
Dmyou can starts Gto breathE7e
the FtectoDmnic dispaAtcher shifts
to Fsmooth the Dmocean Afloor
and Fflattens Dmout to Awarmer winds
of GBrisbane's Fsunny Eshore.
where Fbuddhas Dmtend to Amending wrists
a Ftea madDme from the Aleaves
of FeucalyDmptus Afragrances
and GcoriaFnder Eseeds.
Dmopen the Fwindow
to Dmlift into a DmdreamG
Dmbaby, Fbaby
Dmyou can starts to DmbreathGe.
Dmopen your Fwindow
to Dmlift into a DmdreamG
Dmbaby, Fbaby
Dmyou can starts Gto breathE7e
you Fwake up Dmin the Amorning
to Fwarm PDmacific Abreeze
where Fmean cars Dmchew on Alicorice
and Gcannot Fclimb the C#mtrees.