R.E.M. - Parakeet
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yGou wake Bmup in tEhe morning
and Gfall out Bmof your Ebed
Gmean cat Bmeat parakEeets
and Dthis one's Cnearly Bdead.
you Gdearly Bmwish the Ewind shift
and Ggreasy Bmwindows Eslide
Gopen Bmfor the Eparakeet
who's Dcolored Cbitter Blime.
Emopen the Cwindow
and Amlift into your BmdreamDs
Emlately, Cbaby
Amyou can barely Dbreathe.B7
a Gbroken Bmwrist an Eaccident
you Gknow that Bmsomething's Ewrong
you Gfold the Bmleavings Eof your past
nDo one Cknows you've Bgone.
the Gsunspot Bmflares of the Eearly
nineties Glight Bmup your Ewings.
and Gscan the Bmshortwave Eradio
it's Dtracking Couter Brings.
Emopen your Cwindow
to Amlift into a BmdreamD
Embaby, Cbaby
Amyou can starts Dto breathB7e
the GtectoBmnic dispaEtcher shifts
to Gsmooth the Bmocean Efloor
and Gflattens Bmout to Ewarmer winds
of DBrisbane's Csunny Bshore.
where Gbuddhas Bmtend to Emending wrists
a Gtea madBme from the Eleaves
of GeucalyBmptus Efragrances
and DcoriaCnder Bseeds.
Emopen the Cwindow
to Amlift into a BmdreamD
Embaby, Cbaby
Amyou can starts to BmbreathDe.
Emopen your Cwindow
to Amlift into a BmdreamD
Embaby, Cbaby
Amyou can starts Dto breathB7e
you Gwake up Bmin the Emorning
to Gwarm PBmacific Ebreeze
where Gmean cars Bmchew on Elicorice
and Dcannot Cclimb the G#mtrees.