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Album - try this artist - Pink Standard tuning Intro Dm F C G x2 Verse 1:
DmYou follow eFvery line, you Cwear your perfect pGatch and style DmBut you're like a Fsatellite and you're Cdrifting through theG sky DmYou can't make Fup your mind about thCis or that, or aGnything at all DmYou go with the fFlow and hope to GCod, that no oGne knows it
Everything you arFe, everything you sDmay Everything you Gdo is not for yGou Everything you Ffeel, everything you Dmknow You found it on your fGavorite TV shGow
And it's Fpeople like Cyou that make me Gsick I'm surroFunded by you eCverywhere I loGok
Verse 2:
DmYou're telling evFeryone how dCifferent that you Greally are DmBut it's been saiFd before, soC maybe you're not sGpecial after all DmIf you put the sFame amount of efCfort into lettinGg go DmJust act yourselFf and you might lCike it, you never kGnow
'Cause everything you wFant, everything you Dmdo You try so haGrd to be everyone but yGou Everywhere you tuFrn, you just gotta Dmlearn It's easier if Gyou don't try so Ghard
And itF's people liCke you that make Gme sick I'm surroFunded by you eCverywhere I loGok Is there sFomewhere I can Cgo to get awGay Where there's tFruth and people Cmean just what they sGay
DmYou trFy too hCard DmYou jusFt try too hCard DmYou tryF too haGrd
For the solo bit just repeat Em C G A twice Chorus
And itF's people liCke us that make mGe sick I'm surroFunded by you eCverywhere I loGok Is there sFomewhere I can Cgo to get awGay Where there's tFruth and people Cmean just what they sGay FYou tCry too Ghard FYou juCst try too Ghard