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Album - try this artist - Pink Standard tuning Intro Em C G A x2 Verse 1:
EmYou follow eCvery line, you Gwear your perfect pAatch and style EmBut you're like a Csatellite and you're Gdrifting through theA sky EmYou can't make Cup your mind about thGis or that, or aAnything at all EmYou go with the fClow and hope to GGod, that no oAne knows it
Everything you arCe, everything you sEmay Everything you Ddo is not for yAou Everything you Cfeel, everything you Emknow You found it on your fDavorite TV shAow
And it's Cpeople like Gyou that make me Dsick I'm surroCunded by you eGverywhere I loDok
Verse 2:
EmYou're telling evCeryone how dGifferent that you Areally are EmBut it's been saiCd before, soG maybe you're not sApecial after all EmIf you put the sCame amount of efGfort into lettinAg go EmJust act yourselCf and you might lGike it, you never kDnow
'Cause everything you wCant, everything you Emdo You try so haDrd to be everyone but yAou Everywhere you tuCrn, you just gotta Emlearn It's easier if Dyou don't try so Ahard
And itC's people liGke you that make Dme sick I'm surroCunded by you eGverywhere I loDok Is there sComewhere I can Ggo to get awDay Where there's tCruth and people Gmean just what they sDay
AmYou trCy too hGard AmYou jusCt try too hGard AmYou tryC too haDrd
For the solo bit just repeat Em C G A twice Chorus
And itC's people liGke us that make mDe sick I'm surroCunded by you eGverywhere I loDok Is there sComewhere I can Ggo to get awDay Where there's tCruth and people Gmean just what they sDay CYou tGry too Dhard CYou juGst try too Dhard