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Pink Floyd - When The Tigers Broke Free Added to UG By Mikhailo ( ______________________________________________
It was jCust before dawn one mGsusiserable morning in Cblack forty-four CWhen the foreward commander was told to sit tight,
When they asked that his F/Cmen be withCdrawn CAnd the generals gave thanks, as the other ranks
GsusHeld back the enemy tCanks for a while And the CAnzio Bridgehead was Gsusheld for the price
Of a Cfew hundred ordinary lives
CAnd kind old King GGeorge sent Mother a Cnote when he heard that GFather was gone CIt was, I reGcall, in the form of a Cscroll with gold leaf and all
CAnd I found it one day in a drawer of old photographs hidden away CAnd my eyes still grow damp to reGsusmember
His Majesty Csigned with his own rubber stamp CIt was dark all aGround, there was frost on the Cground
When the Tigers broke Gfree CAnd no-one survived from the Royal Fusiliers, Company "C"
GThey were all left beChind, most of them Gdead - the rest of them Cdying CAnd that's how the Ghigh command took my Cdaddy from me