Pink Floyd - When The Tigers Broke Free
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CIt was just before dawn Gone miserable
Ammorning in Cblack forty-Gfour..
CWhen the forward commander was Gtold to sit tight..
When Casked that his Gmen be withCdrawn..
And the Ggenerals gave Cthanks as the other ranks
held Gbe the enemy Ctanks - for a while..
And Cthen the Anzio beachhead was Gheld for the price
of a Amfew hundred orGdinary Clives..
CAnd kind old King George Gsent mother
a Amnote when he Cheard that Gfather was gone..
CIt was, as I recall, Gin the form of a scroll
Cwith golden Fleaf and G, Call..
And GI found it Cone day
in a drawer of old Gphotographs hidden Caway..
And my Ceyes still grow damp to Gremember
his Majesty Csigned with his Gown rubber Cstamp..
CIt was dark all around..
GThere was frost in the ground
Cwhen the AmTigers broke Gfree..
CAnd noone survived Gfrom the Royal FusiCliers Company G, CC..G
They were all left beChind..
Most of them Gdead..
The rest of them Cdying..
CAnd that's how the GHigh Command took my CDaddy
Gfrom Cme....