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Us and Them - Pink Floyd It's mostly picking 4-3-4&2-3-1-2-3-4-Repeat until the single note (C#)
Asus4x x 0 7 5 5 E9x x 0 9 7 7 Dmmaj7x x 0 10 10 9 Gx x 0 7 8 7
Dsus2x x 0 2 3 0 C#x 4 x x x x Bm2 2 4 4 3 2 Ax 0 2 2 2 0
Gmaj7 easier C 3 5 5 7 7 x x 5 5 7 7 7 3 3 5 5 5 3
Asus4Us and E9them Dmmaj7and after all we're only Gordinary menDsus2. Asus4Me and E9you, Dmmaj7God only knows it's not what Gwe would choose to doDsus2.
C#ForBmward!! he cried from the rear and the front Arank Gmaj7died. C BmThe general is sat and the lines on the map Amove from Gmaj7side to Cside.
Asus4Black and E9blue and Dmmaj7who knows which is which Gand who is whoDsus2. Asus4Up and E9down and in the Dmmaj7end it's only round and rGound and roundDsus2.
C#"HaBmven't you heard it's a battle of worlds" Athe Gmaj7poster bearer Ccried. Bm"Listen son" said the man with the gun "AThere's Gmaj7room for you inCside".
Well I mean they're gonna kill ya. So like if you give 'em a quick short, sharp shock, they don't do it again. Dig it! I mean he got off light cause I coulda given him a thrashin' but I only hit him once. It's only the difference between right and wrong isn'it. I mean good manners don't cost nothin', do they, eh!
Asus4Down and E9out Dmmaj7it can't be helped but there's a Glot of it aboutDsus2. Asus4With, withE9out Dmmaj7and who'll deny it's what the Gfighting's all aboutDsus2.
C#"OuBmt of the way, it's a busy day. AI've Gmaj7got things on my Cmind. BmFor want of the price of tea and a slice Athe Gmaj7old man Cdied.
I learnt this off Youtube - there's a bit more going on in this song but this should get most jammin'. The chord names are from - Dmmaj7 lol never heard of that one before, eh! I hope this helps, Enjoy!