Pink Floyd - Us and them
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Dsus2 Esus2/D Faug/D G/D D 2x
1st verse:
Dsus2 Esus2/D
Us ..... and them ......
Faug/D....and after all, we're only oG/Drdinary men
D Dsus4 D
Dsus2 Esus2/D
Me ..... and you ......
Faug/D....God only knows it's not what G/Dwe would choose to do
D D D A/C#
BmForward he cried from the rear and the Bmfront Arank
Gmaj7Died ..............C........
BmThe general sat, and the lines on the mBmap A
Gmaj7Moved from side to Cside
2nd verse:
Dsus2 Esus2/D
Black ..... and blue......
Faug/D....And who knows which is which, and G/Dwho is who
D Dsus4 D
Dsus2 Esus2/D
Up ..... and down......
Faug/D....and in the end, it's only G/Dround and round, and round
D D D A/C#
BmHaven't you heard it's a battle of wBmords, tAhe
Gmaj7Poster bearer Ccried
BmListen son, said the man with the gBmun tAhere's
Gmaj7Room for you in - Cside
Dsus2 Esus2/D Faug/D G/D D 2x D A/C# Bm Bm A Gmaj7 C Bm Bm A Gmaj7 C
3rd verse:
Dsus2 Esus2/D
Down ... and out......
Faug/D....It can't be helped but there's a lG/Dot of it about
D Dsus4 D
Dsus2 Esus2/D
With ..... with - out......
Faug/D....And who'll deny it's what the G/Dfightings all about
D D D A/C#
BmGet out of the way, it's a busy Bmday I'vAe
Gmaj7Got things on my mCind.........for
BmOut of the price of tea and a sBmlice tAhe
Gmaj7Old man dCied
Dsus2 xx0120
Esus2/D xx0452
Faug/D xx0221
G/D xx0033
Dsus4 xx0122
A/C# x42220
Bm 224432
Gmaj7 320002