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"Taken" [Verse 1]
Now that you Dcan't have Gme Bm YAou suddenly wDant mGe Bm NAow that I'mD with somGebody Bmelse AYou tell me Dyou love mGe Bm AI slept on Dyour doorGstep Bm BAegging for Done chanGce Bm NAow that ID finally Gmoved Bmon YAou say that Dyou missed me Gall aloBmng
WAho do you thinDk you aGre? Bm WAho do you thinDk I am?G Bm YAou only lovDe to seGe me brBmeaking YAou only waDnt me caGuse I'm Bmtaken YAou don't Dreally want my hGeartBm NAo, you just likeD to know youG caBmn SAtill be the oneD who gets it GbreakingBm YAou only wanDt me wheGn I'm Bmtaken
[Verse 2] same chords You're messing with my head Girl that's what you do best Saying there's nothing you won't do To get me to say yes You're impossible to resist But I wouldn't bet your heart on it It's like I'm finally awake And you're just a beautiful mistake [Chorus]
WAho do you thinDk you aGre? Bm WAho do you thinDk I am?G Bm YAou only lovDe to seGe me brBmeaking YAou only waDnt me caGuse I'm Bmtaken YAou don't Dreally want my hGeartBm NAo, you just likeD to know youG caBmn SAtill be the oneD who gets it GbreakingBm YAou only wanDt me wheGn I'm Bmtaken
BmThank you Gfor showing me DWho you are uAnderneath BmNo, thank you, GI don't need DAnother heartless Amisery BmYou think I'm doing this to make you Gjealous DAnd I know that you hate to Ahear this GBut this is not Dabout you aAnymore
WAho do you thinDk you aGre? Bm WAho do you thinDk I am?G Bm YAou only lovDe to seGe me brBmeaking YAou only waDnt me caGuse I'm Bmtaken YAou don't Dreally want my hGeartBm NAo, you just likeD to know youG caBmn SAtill be the oneD who gets it GbreakingBm YAou only wanDt me wheGn I'm Bmtaken
NAow that you Dcan't have Gme Bm YAou suddenly Dwant me