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Now that you Ccan't have Fme Am
YGou suddenly wCant mFe Am
NGow that I'mC with somFebody Amelse
GYou tell me Cyou love mFe Bm
GI slept on Cyour doorFstep Am
BGegging for Cone chanFce Am
NGow that IC finally Fmoved Amon
YGou say that Cyou missed me Fall aloAmng
WGho do you thinCk you aFre? Am
WGho do you thinCk I am?F Am
YGou only lovCe to seFe me brAmeaking
YGou only waCnt me caFuse I'm Amtaken
YGou don't Creally want my hFeartAm
NGo, you just likeC to know youF caAmn
SGtill be the oneC who gets it FbreakingAm
YGou only wanCt me wheFn I'm Amtaken
same chords
You're messing with my head
Girl that's what you do best
Saying there's nothing you won't do
To get me to say yes
You're impossible to resist
But I wouldn't bet your heart on it
It's like I'm finally awake
And you're just a beautiful mistake
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken
AmThank you Ffor showing me
CWho you are uGnderneath
AmNo, thank you, FI don't need
CAnother heartless Gmisery
AmYou think I'm doing this to make you Fjealous
CAnd I know that you hate to Ghear this
FBut this is not Cabout you aGnymore
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken
NGow that you Ccan't have Fme Am
YGou suddenly Cwant me