Norah Jones - Shoot the moon
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Intro: C G/B Am C F C F G
CThe summer dG/Bays are Amgone too sCoon
YFou shoot the Cmoon, Fmiss complGetely
ACnd now you've G/Bleft to fAmace the gCloom,
The Fempty roCom, that oFnce smelled sGweetly
OAmf all the Emflowers you pFlucked if fCinally
you Gknew thCe reasoGn. AmWhy you hEmad to eFach
be Clonely. Was it Gjust tChe seGason.
CNow the falG/Bl is here AmagainC you Fcan't
bFegin to give in,G it's all over.
CWhen the snoG/Bws come roAmlling thCrough
you've Frolling tCoo wiFth some new lGover.
WAmill you Emthink Fof times you've Ctold me
that you Gknew the rCeasonG whAmy we hEmad to
eFach bCe lonelGy. CWas it jGust the CseasonG.