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Another one of Norah's wonderful songs. It's quite similar to the other chords tab, only more accurate with the bass movements. Hope you'll enjoy. Intro: C G/B Am C/G F C/E F G
CThe summer dG/Bays are Amgone too sC/Goon YFou shoot the C/Emoon, miFss completGely CAnd now you'G/Bve left Amto face thC/Ge gloom, FThe empty rC/Eoom, that oFnce smelled swGeetly OAmf all the flGowers you Am/F#plucked if fFinally yCou knG/Bew the rAmeasoG/Bn. AmWhy you hGad to Am/F#each be lFonely. CWas it jG/Bust the CseasGon.
CNow the G/Bfall is Amhere aC/Ggain FYou can't begC/Ein to giFve in, it'Gs all over. CWhen the sG/Bnows come rAmolling thC/Grough Fyou've rolling C/Etoo wFith some new lGover. AmWill you thiGnk of tAm/F#imes you've Ftold me That Cyou kG/Bnew the AmreasG/Bon AmWhy we hGad to Am/F#each be lFonely. CWas it jG/Bust the CseasGon.
C G/B Am C/G F C/E F G X 2
AmWill you thiGnk of tAm/F#imes you've Ftold me That Cyou kG/Bnew the AmreasG/Bon AmWhy we hGad to Am/F#each be lFonely. CWas it jG/Bust the CseasGon.
C G/B Am C/G F C/E F G .. C..