Nirvana - Sliver
bassver. 5
chords ver. 1
chords ver. 2
tabs ver. 1
tabs ver. 2
tabs ver. 3
tabs ver. 4
tabs ver. 5
tabs ver. 6
tabs ver. 7
tabs ver. 8
tabs ver. 9
tabs ver. 10
tabs ver. 11
tabs ver. 12
tabs ver. 13
bass ver. 1
bass ver. 2
bass ver. 3
bass ver. 4
bass ver. 6
bass ver. 7
bass ver. 8
bass ver. 9
bass ver. 10
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bass ver. 14
bass ver. 15
bass ver. 16
drum ver. 1
drum ver. 2
drum ver. 3
drum ver. 4
drum ver. 5
drum ver. 6
ukulele ver. 1
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From Incesticide and live gigs.
This is the bass tab for sliver. I noticed that there is no chorus
in the other versions on the net.
I am pretty sure this is correct, this is how my band does it and it sounds
right (and this is how Krist does it on my video)
Top string is bottom line.
Into/Verse End verse *Start chrous
Chorus End chorus * Start of verse
Thats it, Tom
comments are welcome.