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NIRVANA , SLIVER. Tabbed by EUGENE BROWNE KURT_COBAIN_NEVERMIND@HOTMAIL.COM. WELL I HAVE ANOTHER NIRVANA TAB FOR EVERY1 AND ALL THE NIRVANA FANS SO HERE GOES \"SLIVER\" The start of the song krist plays the bass line : G--------------------------------------------------------| D--------------------------------------------------------| A--3--3--3-------------3--1--0------0--1-----------------| E--------------1--1--1------------3----------------------| 1st verse : no guitar ( obviously) Mom and dad went to a show Dropped me off to Grandpa Joes Kicked and screamed Said \" Please oh no !\" chours: use distortion
C5Grandma take me home A5 C5Grandma take me home A5
C5Grandma take me home A5 C5Grandma take me home A5
C5Grandma take me home A5 C5Grandma take me home A5
C5Grandma take me home A5 C5Grandma take me home A5
verse 2 :
C5I had to eat F5my dinner thC5ere A5 C5Mashed potatoes anF5d stuff like that C5 A5 C5I couldnt chew F5my meat so couldC5 A5
CHOURS : SAME AS BEFORE !! verse 3 : i leave on the distortion ( it sounds better) but its up to you !
C5Grandpa Joe saF5id if I started to C5cry A5 C5To go outside F5and ride my bikeC5 A5 C5Thats what I diF5d I killed C5my toe ! A5
CHOURS : SAME verse 4 : no distortion !
C5After dinner I had ice cream C5FelC5l asleep while I watched tv C5I woke up in my mothers arms
CHOURS : SAME JUST KEEP REPEATING its me again eugene so just email me