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Tuning: G C E A
D5 I'll sG5tart this offF5 withE5outF5 anE5y woD5rds I G5got so high,F5 I sE5cratcheF5d tilE5l I bled D5 I lC5ove myselfB5 A5better than yD5ou I kG5now it's wrongF5 so wE5hat F5shoulE5d I do? D5 The G5finest dayF5 thatE5 I eF5ver E5had D5 was G5when I learnF5ed to E5cry F5on E5command D5 I lC5ove myselfB5 A5better than yoD5u, I kG5now it's wrongF5 so E5what F5shoulE5d I do?D5 G5 Bbmaj9
I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't complainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9
D5 My G5mother dieF5d E5everF5y niE5ght,D5 it's sG5afe to say,F5 Don't qE5uote F5me E5on that D5 I C5love myselfB5 A5better than yoD5u I kG5now it's wrongF5 so E5what F5shoulE5d I do? D5 The G5black sheepF5 got E5blackF5mailed E5again, D5 ForG5got to putF5 E5on F5the E5zip code D5 I lC5ove myselfB5 A5better than yoD5u, I kG5now it's wrongF5 so E5what F5shoulE5d I do?D5 G5 Bbmaj9
I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't complainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9
F5 Somewhere E5I have heard this bA5eforeG5 F5 In a dreE5am my memory has A5storedG5 F5 As a defE5ense I'm neutered and A5spayed,G5 F5 What the hellE5 am I trying to A5say?G5
D5 It G5is now timF5e to E5makeF5 it uE5ncleD5ar To G5write off linF5es thatE5 don'tF5 maE5ke sense D5 I lC5ove myselfB5 A5better than yoD5u I kG5now it's wrongF5 so E5what F5shoulE5d I do? D5 And G5one more speF5cial E5mesF5sageE5 to goD5 And tG5hen I'm donF5e, theE5n I F5can E5go home D5 I C5love myselfB5 A5better than yoD5u, I G5know it's wrongF5 so E5what F5shoulE5d I do?D5 G5 Bbmaj9
I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't complaiD5n G5 Bbmaj9 I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't complaiD5n G5 Bbmaj9 I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't complaiD5n G5 Bbmaj9 I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't complaiD5n G5 Bbmaj9 I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't complaiD5n G5 Bbmaj9 I'm on a plainD5 G5 Bbmaj9 I can't commplaiD5n G5 Bbmaj9