Nirvana - On A Plain
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1 Column
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DI'll stDart this Foff
WithEmout any Dwords
GI got sFo high that
I Emscratched 'til I Dbled
CLove myseBmlf
ABetter than Dyou
I Gknow it's Fwrong
So Emwhat should I Ddo
The Gfinest Fday
That EmI ever Dhad
Was Gwhen I Flearned
To Emcry on comDmand
CLove Bmmyself
ABetter than Dyou
I Gknow it's Fwrong
So Emwhat should I D-G-Fdo
I'm on a plain
I can't complain
I'm on a plain
DMy Gmother Fdied
EmEvery Dnight
It's Gsafe to Fsay
EmDon't quote me on Dthat
CLove Bmmyself
ABetter than Dyou
I Gknow it's Fwrong
So Emwhat should I Ddo
GThe black sheep Fgot
EmBlackmailed Dagain
GForgot to Fput
EmOn the zip Dcode
CLove Bmmyself
ABetter than Dyou
GI know it's Fwrong
So Emwhat should I doD-G-F-
(Repeat Refrain)
FSomeEwhere I have heard this A-G-F-before
In a Edream my memory has A-G-stored
FAs dEefense I'm neutered and A-G-spayed
FWhat the Ehell am I trying to A-G-say
(Do the stanza chords)
It is now time
To make it unclear
To write off lines
That don't make a sense
Love myself
Better than you
I know it's wrong
So what should I do
One more special
Message to go
And then I'm done
And I can go home
Love myself
Better than you
I know it's wrong
So what should I do