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Oh, Ggive me a home where the Cbuffalo roam, Where the Gdeer and the A7antelope D7play, Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.
GHome, D7home on the Grange, Where the Emdeer and the A7antelope D7play; Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.
Where the Gair is so pure, the Czephyrs so free, The Gbreezes so A7balmy and D7light, That I Gwould not exchange my Chome on the range For Gall of the D7cities so Gbright.
GHome, D7home on the Grange, Where the Emdeer and the A7antelope D7play; Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.
How Goften at night when the Cheavens are bright With the Glight from the A7glittering D7stars, Have I Gstood here amazed and Casked as I gazed If their Gglory exD7ceeds that of Gours.
GHome, D7home on the Grange, Where the Emdeer and the A7antelope D7play; Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.
Oh, I Glove these wild flowers in this Cdear land of ours, The Gcurlew I A7love to hear D7scream, And I Glove the white rocks and the Cantelope flocks That Ggraze on the D7mountain-tops Ggreen.
GHome, D7home on the Grange, Where the Emdeer and the A7antelope D7play; Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.
Oh, Ggive me a land where the Cbright diamond sand Flows Gleisurely A7down the D7stream; Where the Ggraceful white swan goes Cgliding along Like a Gmaid in a D7heavenly Gdream.
GHome, D7home on the Grange, Where the Emdeer and the A7antelope D7play; Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.
Then I Gwould not exchange my Chome on the range, Where the Gdeer and the A7antelope D7play; Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.
GHome, D7home on the Grange, Where the Emdeer and the A7antelope D7play; Where Gseldom is heard a disCcouraging word And the Gskies are not D7cloudy all Gday.