Misc Traditional - Home on the range
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Easy camp-fire version
Verse 1
Oh Ggive me a home where the Cbuffalo roam
Where the Gdeer and the antelopeD play
Where Gseldom is heard a diCscouraging word
And the sGkies are not cDloudy all Gday
HDome home on the rGange
Where the deer and the antelope pDlay
Where sGeldom is heard a diCscouraging word
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday
Verse 2
GThe Red Man was pressed from this Cpart of the west
It's not Glikely he'll ever reDturn
To the Gbanks of Red River where Cseldom if ever
His Gflickering Dcampfires still Gburn
Repeat chorus
DHome home on the Grange
Where the deer and the antelope Dplay
Where Gseldom is heard a diCscouraging word
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday
Verse 3
GHow often at night when the Cheavens are bright
With the Glight from the glittering Dstars
Have I Gstood there amazed and Casked as I gazed
If their Gglory exDceeds that of Gours
Repeat chorus
DHome home on the Grange
Where the deer and the antelope Dplay
Where Gseldom is heard a diCscouraging word
And the sGkies are not Dcloudy all Gday
Verse 4
GOh give me a land where the Cbright diamond sand
Flows Gleisurely down the Dstream
Where the Ggraceful white swan goes Cgliding along
Like a Gmaid in a Dheavenly Gdream
Repeat chorus
DHome home on the Grange
Where the deer and the antelope Dplay
Where Gseldom is heard a diCscouraging word
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday