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Dumb Ways to Die Tabbed by: rvaen E-mail: Credit: to the guy who did all the hard work but got the music all wrong. NOTE: I've been corrected in the comments and they are good so I will summarize them here. The main correction is a minor voicing change - the e-string plays a G during both chords of the verse riff...the first and third times. For verse 2, the C is played as I have written it below (e-string open), but the Fmaj7 is instead a F9 (substituting the E for a G on the e-string once more). The difference is very minor - The F9 and Fmaj7 are functionally identical, the C is still a C, but the result is a slightly more cheerful-sounding accompaniment to the brutal ways to die, and as such helps sell that irony. The other correction is the nomenclature for a tritone passing chord - I wrote F#5 to indicate the function of a vii/V. the comments say Gmaj7no3/F# (F#-G-D) which just means the composer only wanted the bass to pass in that beat instead of the vii/V. Both corrections have been reflected in the music below. /NOTE Tuning: Standard (Intro and verses) C F9 e-------------3-----------3-----| (2nd verse, Fmaj7 instead) B------------1-----------1------| G-----------0-----------2-------| (Repeat this until the end of each verse) D----------2--------2h3---------| A------0h3----------------------| E-------------------------------| Set fire to your hair Poke a stick at a grizzly bear Eat medicine that’s out of date Use your private parts as piranha bait CHORUS
CDumb C/Bways to Amdie Em F F#/G5 G F (F#/G5: 2-x-0-0-3-x) So many dumb ways to die CDumb C/Bways to Amdie Em So Fmany dumb Gways to dCie END OF CHORUS
Get your toast out with a fork Do your own electrical work Teach yourself how to fly Eat a two week old unrefrigerated pie CHORUS Invite a psycho killer inside Scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride Take your helmet off in out of space Use a clothes dryer as a hiding place CHORUS Keep a rattle snake as a pet Sell both your kidneys on the internet Eat a tube of superglue (pause) 'I wonder what this red button will do' CHORUS
FDress up Glike a Cmoose during Emhunting Fseason G DisFturbed a Gnest of wCasps for Emno good Freason GStand on the edge of a Amtrain station platform GDrive around the boom gates at a Amrailroad crossing GRun across the tracks between the Amplatforms FThey may not rhyme but they Gquite possibly
CDumbeC/Bst ways Amto dieEm CDumbeC/Bst ways Amto dieEm CDumb C/Bways to Amdie Em So Fmany dumb So Fmany dumb Gways to dCie