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Just wanted to post them somewhere they'll be easily accessible! - - - Langtree’s Lament Chords are just these repeated: Cm F Bb G7 C7 F Bb A#7 Eb CF
Cm&quFotBb;A&G7quot; is for the apple that he gave to me, CmButF IBb found a worm inside, Cm&quFotBb;B&G7quot; is for beloved that I call to him, CmbefForBbe he left my side A#7And “C”, Ebsee what he did that’s “D”, CDid it to poor ol’ me, FHow could I be such an “E”motional fool, “F” Cm&quFotBb;G&G7quot; is for the gentlemen I thought he was, CmWheFn Bbhe first said hi, "H" "I", Cm&quFotBb;J&G7quot; is for the joker that is Jimmy Bee, CmtheF mBban who made me cry (that’s a C) A#7And “K”, EbWell you know it’s just not okay, CTo kiss and then run away, FLeaving alone without leaving a letter for “L”angtree Cm&quFotBb;M&G7quot; is for the misery he left me in, Cm&quFotBb;N"ever to return again, Cm&quFotBb;O&G7quot; what a poor "P" fool I’ve been, Cm&quFotBb;Q"ueuing in line for him A#7And “R”, EbAre you the one for me, CYes, “S”ay you’ll come back to me, FWhy are you tempted to “T”ease me, ohh.. Cm&quFotBb;U&G7quot;, why not you, have got to understand, CmTheF vBbalue of a woman’s heart, "V", CmWhyF, BbG7W” not “Y”, did you think it was fine CmTo F??Bb?X” me from the start A#7And “Y”, yes “Y”, EbIs the question that’s on my mind, oh why, CWhy did you leave me right before reaching Four “Z”enith Cm1 iFs BbtheG7 number of men I’ve loved, CmAndF 2Bb is the times I’ll say it’s you, it’s you! Cm3 iFs BbtheG7 number of days you’ve been gone, CmButF iBbt feels like four times two A#78, at the hour the sun Ebgoes down, I remember life with Cyou around, I wish I had nine lives Flike that one