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AMMemoFries conCsume like Gopening the AMwounds I'm Fpicking me Capart aGgain AMYou Fall Cassume I'm Gsearching in my AMroom FUnless I try to Cstart aGgain
I AMdon't want to Fbe the one Cthe battles always Gchoose Cuz AMinside I Frealize that CI'm the one conGfused AMI don't know what's worth Ffighting for Or Cwhy I have to Gscream... AMI don't know why I Finstigate And Csay what I don't Gmean... AMI don't know how I Fgot this way I Cknow it's not all Gright... So I'm Fbreaking the Ghabit I'm Fbreaking the Ghabit toAMnight
AMClutcFhing my Ccure I Gtightly lock the AMdoor I Ftry to catch my Cbreath aGgain AMI Fhurt much Cmore than Gany time AMbefore I Fhave no options Cleft agGain
IAM don't want to Fbe the one the Cbattles always Gchoose Cuz AMinside I Frealize that CI'm the one conGfused I AMdon't know what's worth Ffighting for Or Cwhy I have to Gscream... I AMdon't know why I Finstigate And Csay what I don't Gmean... I AMdon't know how I Fgot this way I'll Cnever be alGright... So I'm Fbreaking the Ghabit I'm Fbreaking the Ghabit toAMnight
AMI'll paint it on the Gwalls AMCuz I'm the one that Gfalls AMI'll never fight Gagain AMand this is how it Gends...
I AMdon't know what's worth Ffighting for Or Cwhy I have to Gscream...
But AMnow I have some Fclarity to Cshow you what I Gmean... I AMdon't know how I Fgot this way I'll Cnever be alGright... So I'm Fbreaking the Ghabit I'm Fbreaking the Ghabit I'm Fbreaking the Ghabit toAMnight