Linkin Park - Breaking the habbit
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EMMemoCries conGsume like Dopening the EMwounds
I'm Cpicking me Gapart aDgain
EMYou Call Gassume
I'm Dsearching in my EMroom
CUnless I try to Gstart aDgain
I Emdon't want to Cbe the one Gthe battles always Dchoose
Cuz EMinside I Crealize that GI'm the one conDfused
EMI don't know what's worth Cfighting for
Or Gwhy I have to Dscream...
EMI don't know why I Cinstigate
And Gsay what I don't Dmean...
EMI don't know how I Cgot this way
I Gknow it's not all Dright...
So I'm Cbreaking the Dhabit
I'm Cbreaking the Dhabit toEMnight
EMClutcChing my Gcure
I Dtightly lock the EMdoor
I Ctry to catch my Gbreath aDgain
EMI Churt much Gmore than Dany time EMbefore
I Chave no options Gleft agDain
IEM don't want to Cbe the one the Gbattles always Dchoose
Cuz EMinside I Crealize that GI'm the one conDfused
I EMdon't know what's worth Cfighting for
Or Gwhy I have to Dscream...
I EMdon't know why I Cinstigate
And Gsay what I don't Dmean...
I EMdon't know how I Cgot this way
I'll Gnever be alDright...
So I'm Cbreaking the Dhabit
I'm Cbreaking the Dhabit toEMnight
EMI'll paint it on the Dwalls
EMCuz I'm the one that Dfalls
EMI'll never fight Dagain
EMand this is how it Dends...
I EMdon't know what's worth Cfighting for
Or Gwhy I have to Dscream...
But EMnow I have some Cclarity to Gshow you what I Dmean...
I EMdon't know how I Cgot this way
I'll Gnever be alDright...
So I'm Cbreaking the Dhabit
I'm Cbreaking the Dhabit
I'm Cbreaking the Dhabit toEMnight